Our Services


Bariatric surgery has been shown to be the most effective and durable treatment for morbid obesity

Surgery results in significant weight loss and helps prevent, improve or resolve more than 40 obesity-related diseases or conditions, which include type 2 diabetes, heart disease, obstructive sleep apnea and certain cancers.

Individuals with morbid obesity or BMI≥30 have a 50-100% increased risk of premature death compared to individuals of healthy weight.

Studies show surgery reduces a person’s risk of premature death by maximum cases.

Clinical studies have demonstrated significant improvements in safety, showing that the risk of death is 0.1%,and the overall likelihood of major complications is about 4%

Safety and Risks

Clinical studies report significant improvements in metabolic and bariatric surgery safety

Primary reasons for improved safety include the increased use of laparoscopy, advancements in surgical techniques.

Laparoscopic bariatric operations increased from 20.1% in 2003 to 90.2% in 2008

Studies show metabolic and bariatric surgery increases lifespan

Gastric bypass patients may improve life expectancy by 89%

Patients may reduce risk of premature death by 30-40%


Studies show patients typically lose the most weight one-to-two years after surgery, and maintain substantial weight loss with improvements in obesity-related conditions.

Patients may lose as much as 60% of excess weight six months after surgery, and 77% of excess weight as early as 12 months after surgery.

On average, five years after surgery, patients maintain 50% of their excess weight loss.

Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Impact on Mortality

Bariatric surgery helps to improve or resolve more than 40 obesity-related diseases and conditions, including type diabetes, heart disease, certain cancers, sleep apnea, GERD, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, sleep apnea and joint problems.

60% reduction in mortality from cancer.

56% reduction in mortality from coronary artery disease.

92% reduction in mortality from type 2 diabetes.

40% reduction in mortality in gastric bypass patients.

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